Monday, September 9, 2019

Required to perform an Analysis of Variance using SPSS Essay

Required to perform an Analysis of Variance using SPSS - Essay Example The observed result is the level of sales in that locality in the fortnight following the appearance of the first advertisement. From the two way analysis of variance, it can be observed that the main effect length and media are significant. This is because the significant value of media is 0.000; the significant value of media is 0.0000 which are less than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is significant difference in the main effects. The significant value of the interaction of main effect media and length is equal to 0.001 which is less than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is significant difference in the interaction. The percentage of the value of sales volume accounted by the model is 78.4%. This is because that value of R-squared is equal to 0.784. From the mean comparison of the sales posted though the Tv or radio advertisement, it can be observed that the value of significant difference indicate that there is no significant difference in the mean sales of the given by either Tv or Radio. From the pairwise combination of medium and length, it can be observed that the combination of long length and radio form of advertisement give the least sales. This implies that the combination of advertisement of long length and radio is the one that cannot be used for

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