Monday, September 30, 2019

Opinions of Discussion Essay

The critical decision makers necessary for the development of an effective sales curriculum for a multinational company include the sales and marketing director, the financial director, the human resources director and the various country managers. The CEO will need to be kept abreast of all developments to ensure that it meets his approval. Similarly, the board of directors will also have to be briefed about the project so that it is line with the company’s vision and mission statement. The sales and marketing director’s input into the project will be to develop sales and marketing strategies that will be adopted for use by sales personnel. From the various methods of marketing are available, the director will have to enumerate the most effective ones and explain which strategy is best suited for a particular situation. This may include direct sales, sales promotions, mail orders or e- business. Market segmentation will be applied to target particular groups while profiling techniques will enable the sales team to correctly identify their customers. Proper planning of finances and budgeting will be the financial director’s docket. By developing budget plans and drawing up financial estimates, the sales curriculum will effectively guide the sales team in assessing their efforts in terms of money spent and results achieved. It will also reduce wasteful expenditure by explaining how to save money and still be effective in one’s duties. The human resources director will draw up a training program for sales staff to develop their skills and enable them to be more effective in their duties. As part of their training, the curriculum will incorporate successful techniques of interacting with the customers by focusing on the needs of the end user rather than on the company’s immediate goals. A remuneration schedule based on performance will form part of the curriculum. A summary of the code of conduct in force will form part of the annex. Different people have different norms and practices. The input of the various country managers will be important in identifying the peculiarities of certain nations. This will assist the sales staff in relating to their customers on local terms. This reduces misunderstandings arising from cultural conflicts. For any program to be successful it must have the support of the final decision maker. In this case the CEO has got to be involved in the overall design and development of the curriculum so that he can give his input. This factor is important when it comes to issues like training that involve the company spending a lot of money. By being involved in the process, the CEO will appreciate the curriculum and ensure that its implementation does not lack finances or materials. In a school setting and a business environment the stakeholders and decision makers are more or less similar. The head teacher and the CEO are the final decision makers. Both entities have a board of governors/director. The company has shareholders who have a stake in the company while the schools have parents who are actively involved in its welfare. Local authorities regulate the functions of both institutions while both of them have customers and suppliers that they attend to. Teachers are unique stakeholders in a school setting because not only do they mould the children under their care but also teach them. They are like surrogate parents and thus have a greater interest in their charges. Unlike employees in a firm, teachers’ concern over the ‘produce of their labor’ extends well beyond the school gates.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Literary Criticism of Atonement from Psychological Trauma View

In seventeen century, â€Å"† was a Greek word which means â€Å"wound†. Later, Sigmund Freud in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries used it to describe a kind of mental damage that occurs as a result of distressing and disturbing events or experiences. When a person is facing such highly stressful events analyzing and coping with it is not an easy process. In this paper we consider the topic of psychological trauma in Atonement by Ian McEwan, defining first of all the concept and then studying its processes of formation and effects on the main character, Briony Tallis. According to Pearlman and Saakvitne, psychological trauma is an event which is a special experience of a person that needs to be confronted. As a matter of fact, â€Å"The individual's ability to integrate his/her emotional experience is overwhelmed, or the individual's experiences (subjectively) a threat to life, bodily integrity, or sanity† (p.60). Also, Jon Allen, a psychologist, in his A Guide to Self-Understanding (1995) said that: â€Å"It is the subjective experience of the objective events that constitutes the trauma†¦The more you believe you are endangered, the more traumatized you will be. [†¦] Psychologically, the bottom line of trauma is overwhelming emotion and a feeling of utter helplessness. There may or may not be bodily injury, but psychological trauma is coupled with physiological upheaval that plays a leading role in the long-range effects† (p.14). Psychologists categorized trauma into two groups: physical trauma based on serious physical damages or shocks to the body from war, physical injury, sexual abuse, illness, torture, rape, and genocide; emotional or psychological trauma is based on the inability to recover the full mental capacities of an individual, either in his personal or social life or any emotional shock or injury that cause a sentimental damage to spirit health. It can range from depression, anxiety, different kinds of phobias to post traumatic stress disorder. Therefore, trauma is among those things that happen in everyday life which a person can experience by itself or witness of serious injuries, violence even death, putting the individual into a terrible situation followed by fear, helplessness or horror. In fact, trauma is not the event itself but the effect that has on the person like, Brioney's belief about the event that happen in fountain. Atonement is a metafiction novel written by Ian Russell McEwan in 2001. Its events occurred in three different periods of time: firstly, in 1935 in England at Tallis family's building, secondly during World War II in England and France, thirdly nowadays in England. The story tells about a huge mistake that an upper-class girl committed as a teenager that led to destroy lives. This thirteen years' girl had a big imagination as a young writer. As an adult she always wanted to confess that event but this process did not happen until she completed her novel as an aged author, at last, in England. That mistake influenced on her life and also her style of writing until her novel ended with a kind of imaginary situation that gave her a chance to make up for her mistake. Ian McEwan was born in 1948 in England. His father was an alcohol addict and had spousal abuse toward his mother and the most interesting things about his life, is that Ian's mother suffered from vascular dementia, the same disease that Brioney Tallis – the heroine of Atonement – also suffered from. To start with the novel â€Å"Atonement†, events began with a kind of misunderstanding that occurred for Brioney. Her sister, Cecilia, came to fountain while Robbie, their servant's boy, was watching her almost bare body. Her sister looks ashamed and wear her clothes in front of him. Brioney was in her puberty age and didn't know about sexual relationship as well, so she thought that if he is watching Cecilia in that situation, there must be something wrong about his behavior. She could not cope with this event and her mind was busy with it during that day. On the other hand, somewhere Brioney was telling her memory about his love experience to her friend. We could realize that she loved Robbie as a child while she did not know about sexual relationship and her love was pure. She threw herself into a deep river to see Robbie's reaction and measure his feeling toward herself. It is almost clear that she was jealous of Cecilia and when she understands that Robbie tends to her sister, this makes her idea stronger about Robbie and his sexual problem. Brioney was under a pressure of event in the fountain which another event happened. Robbie gives Brioney a letter to render her sister which was containing sexual words about Cecilia's body. She reads that letter without permission before give it to her sister and it causes to be sure about her belief. She could not cope with it and talks about it with her cousin, Lola, they found Robbie as a sex maniac and decides to protect Cecilia against him. At night, Brioney saw Cecilia and Robbie in the library in the middle of their sexual affair that made a great shock for her. She thought that they committed a huge mistake that she never could realize it so her behavior against Robbie changed, became aggressive, and started to hate him. During dinner the family realized that the twin cousins are gone so all of them went to the woods to find them. In the woods, Brioney saw a rape against Lola under a flashlight in her hands. For the second time she experienced a huge shock in one night and these stressful and disturbing chain of events made her nervous and caused that she connected all of her experiences with each other without thinking and saw Robbie as a sex offender. It was obvious that Brioney did not experience a rape and were just a witness but this subject caused a great fear and shock for a teenager in her age of puberty so she could not have recognized and distinguished true situations. This psychological trauma was a reason which she could not able to think carefully about what she saw and her mind automatically omitted a part of her observation. She professed that Robbie was the person who act that rape and caused his detection. By continuing the novel, it become clear that as Brioney grows up, her mind is busy about past events and doubt her witness. She becomes a nurse during the war to reduces her sense of sin and when suddenly see a news about the engagement between Lola and Paul Marshal, who came to their house with her brother in the year that those events happened, her mind becomes active and she tries to remember the exact things which occurred those days. At last, after passing about five years from her fearful experience, she could recall her memories in peaceful situation and remembers the face of person who act rape, it was Paul Marshal. She wants to make up her mistake and withdraw her testimony but it was too late for Robbie and Cecilia because both died in the war so she uses her talent in writing a novel as a means of confessing. Brioney experienced a psychological trauma during her young ages of her life that made an irreparable mental damages for her whole life. Therefore by seeing the effects of psychological trauma in the all aspect of main character's life, can be concluded that trauma can puts serious effects on individual's mental and physical health that accompanies an individual for his/her entire life.Citation:McEwan, Ian. Atonement. Random House, 2005.Ellam, Julie. Ian McEwan's Atonement. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2009.Pitt, Daniela. The representation of trauma in Ian McEwan's novels† Atonement† and† Saturday†. Diss. 2010.†What Is Psychological Trauma?†, â€Å"what is trauma?††Emotional and Psychological Trauma.† Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Healing from Trauma and Moving On,

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case Study of an innovative company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case Study of an innovative company - Essay Example The staff turnover at this airport is around 4% with the average service length of an employee being 9.2 years and 32% rise is observed in revenue per employee (Dubai Airport Yearbook, 2012). Dubai International Airport, as part of an integrated and holistic approach towards improving their customers’ overall experience, attempts to cater to the vastly diverse and cosmopolitan tastes of their international customers. These services include a large number of client airlines, customs and immigration, duty free shops and other retailers; ground services provider data, efficient security scanning, smart gates and lost and found. A unique concept of â€Å"silent airport† has greatly reduced the number of announcements made in the airport, only to be replaced by screens displaying the flight details in order to alert customers (Dubai Airport Yearbook, 2012). Dubai International Airport is ranked at 25 in 2014 as against 33 in 2013. The key competitors of the Airport are Singapore Changi Airport, Incheon International, Munich Airport, London Heathrow Airport and Hong Kong International Airport. The strong performance of Dubai Airport’s commercial portfolio has boosted the total revenue by 17% in 2013. Aeronautical revenue and commercial revenue rose by 12% and 23% respectively, thereby portraying a strong growth of Dubai International Airport (Martin, 2014). Dubai International Airport is constantly trying to improve passenger experience by incorporating innovative strategies in its work policy. In November, Dubai Airport in a recent partnership with TWSteel Watches and Dubai Duty Free had hosted a live pop-up concert by a headline recording artist, Kelly Rowland. The performance took the passengers as well as the airport officials by surprise and attracted immense attention on the social media as several individuals captured the concert on videos that were uploaded on different sites such as, Twitter,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

Management - Essay Example To be precise, the model measures the extent of competitive advantages that a firm possesses within a particular industry setting (Pascal, Widiantoro, Nguyen & Sharief, 2011). Emphasising on this understanding, the discussion henceforth will intend to discuss about the competitive positions of services industry in Canada. The extent of competitiveness of this industrial sector will be ascertained with the assistance of Porter’s Diamond Theory. Determination of Competitive Position of Services Industry in Canada by Porter’s Diamond Theory ‘Porter’s Diamond theory’ has been devised with the motive of determining the conditions of local environment where a firm is operational. This model identifies both internal as well as external capabilities of a firm in order to determine its competitiveness. The theory has been devised with the intention of ascertaining the competitive position of a firm with the advancement of technological factors. Barragan (2005 ) also noted that companies improve competitiveness with increased productivity and acquiring innovation through the use of advanced technologies. Indigenous firms are identified to be the major contributor towards the development of the economic conditions of a country which mostly represent the service organisations (Barragan, 2005). Notably, there are six variables which are included in the model. Among the six variables, four factors are identified as the determinants of the level of competitiveness a firm possesses which include ‘the related and supplier industries’, demand conditions and ‘firm strategy, structure and rivalry’. The other two factors are considered as indirect factors or outside sources such as government and chance which are determined to be influencing the competitiveness as well as performance of a firm (Karacsony, 2008). The six variables of the model can be precisely identified from the graphical representation below. Porter's Diam ond model framework Source: (Markus, 2008) Factor Conditions Factor conditions comprise of numerous factors which include skilful labour forces, availability of natural resources and adopting advanced technologies. These factors are recognised to be necessary to drive enhanced performances as well as to compete effectively in the global market segments. In this regard, companies performing business operations with greater accessibility of natural resources as well as with ample labour forces at economically profitable rate will assist a company to attain competitive advantages. Moreover, companies adopt advanced technologies and Research and Development (R&D) facilities with the intention of creating better innovative and differential products for better competitiveness. The availability of these factors at a low rate is quite likely to aid the companies towards performing their business activities successfully within a competitive market environment (Bakan & Dogan, 2012; Cini & Nat er, 2010). Canada is demonstrated to excel in relation to services industry which has been currently reported to be accountable for a growth of over 70% in relation to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Moreover, this industrial sector is also responsible for providing employment opportunities to around three quarter of the population of Canada. This business sector comprises of industries which offers intangible products as well as services. Furthermore, the companies which

Thursday, September 26, 2019

An investigation into the potential of implementing Cause Related Literature review

An investigation into the potential of implementing Cause Related Marketing in Barnados charity in the UK - Literature review Example In the social marketing, the management takes much consideration of the customers’ needs with much concern on the needs of the wider society. Cause Related Marketing is a significant ingredient of this marketing mix (Stein, 2009; pg. 56) Cause-Related Marketing is describe as a commercial activity through which businesses and charities form a partnership for the purpose of marketing a product, an image or a service for a shared benefit. It is a tool that addresses the current social issues by providing resources and funding. Additionally, this tool addresses important business objectives. The Cause Related Marketing began getting its full attention recently. It was not until the CRM was much steamed to the marketers by the American Express, which had devised a promotion which promoted donations of a cent to restore the funds for the Statute of Liberty at every single time a customer made use of the American Express card (Lindsey, 2003; pg.67).   The campaign also included ot her elements like a one dollar donation to fund every new American Express account that had been approved. A true corporate partnership establishes openings for every party to develop joint business opportunities. In an investigation, a link with Barnardo’s, which is one of the UK’s best known charity brands, is found to do that (Petticrew & Roberts, 2005; pg. 87). It is a well know children’s charity organization. There would be numerous benefits on establishing cause-related marketing in Barnardo’s as this would become a simple and an effective way of increasing sales and customer loyalty. This can also promote a positive PR coverage and provide an increasing significant link for ethical customers to align themselves with the charitable cause. Involvement with this charity would create opportunities for a great PR and marketing. The Barnardo’s charity can assist in the promotion for the partnership through their network of close to ten media and communication managers situated in London regional offices and headquarters. This is a prominent national charity that has excellent links to local and national radio and television stations, as well as, with national and regional media. Cause Related Marketing is found to influence customer perceptions and their buying habits. This makes it a vital weapon in the marketing strategy which enhances corporate reputation and increases loyalty. It can build sales and benefit the society thus, becoming an intrinsic tool of the marketing strategy. The Cause Related Marketing has its strength over the traditional forms of marketing as it can provide the emotional and the racial engagement of the consumers (Neyland, 2008; pg. 78). It also incorporates the customer’s heart and their mind thus, giving it the potential to build an enduring and stronger relationship. So many companies in the UK have recognized the potential in the holistic management and corporation of the relationship of all stakeholders that will support the development of successful companies. Cause Related Marketing provides a high profile and an effective way for brand owners to strengthen their relationships, not only with the customers but with all stakeholders including the employees, suppliers, distributers, shareholders, opinion formers as well as a broad relationship with the wider community. Due to the interdependence between the wider communi

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Documentation for Web Application Project Outline

Documentation for Web Application Project - Outline Example 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Server - This is where the application will be installed (basically where the application files will be stores). In other words, this is the machine where all the data processing will be done. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Client - The client  represents the computer being used by the website visitor to access the information stored in the server. The website visitor will use browser software to access the website. The design process involves structuring the application together with its functionalities before developing the application. This planning helps in time saving and ensuring that the overall goal of the application in put in picture before one begins the development work. The design process will majorly depend on the kind of application being developed. As for the case of Plant and Machinery website application, the below process has been used. This part of the design focuses on the outlook of the website so that its usability is favorable to the website visitors. Here the designer must make sure that the focus is on the visitor because they never concentrate on how complex the application is but on how easy it is to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Macro and Micro Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Macro and Micro Economics - Essay Example These three components account for the significant differences observed in the various economies in the world. Economic performance in the context of institutional effects on an economy consider expropriation of risks by governments, applicable laws, quality of bureaucratic procedures in the economy unethical practices like corruption, contracts repudiation by governments, trade operations and liberties that are civil in nature. In the view of these factors, the applicability of ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ policies in developing countries can be evaluated in the global context. The underlying interest is to determine the universality and global application of a ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ policy under the context of institutionalisms. The Assessment Liberalization policies in many developing economies are yet to receive full integration into the prevailing economic systems. Regulatory frameworks that are institutionally installed have been the primary pillars of market moni toring in these economies. Levels of development vary across developing economies, and so are the levels of development in developed economies (Roland, 2004, p.109-131). The role of deregulation practices in these economies is expected to take time before it is realized, even with the notion that ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ policies of liberalization are good for domestic and international business. Africa, Asia and Latin America economies for example shows that the characteristics of, and reasons for, liberalisation are to a large extent country and sector-specific (Greif, 2006, p.164). The general take that one is good for all fails to account for the individual characteristic of each economy, and therefore the intended economic impact of such a policy may not be realized. While liberalization of market and economies in the developed nations has been procedural over time, the developing nations’ case is characterized by hasty liberalization activities, backed up by pol icies that generalize the developing world’s scenario. Many and more important aspects of market and economy liberalization are overlooked in the process, resulting in inappropriate capacities of regulation and public apparatus that fail to account for specific economic conditions as need be. As a result, most institutions in these economies are strained to comply, even when they face significant challenges such as: information-sharing and enforcement problems, capture risk, difficulties in introducing competition and the manifold formation of universal service obligations which arguably acquire particular connotations in developing countries (Eicher and Schreiber, 2005, p.73). ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ policies are designed to apply and function universally, whether formulated ad implemented for developed or developing economies. The institutional critique of these policies in developed countries cites their uniformity in application and functionality. However, in dev eloping countries, these policies are in a way adopted in a wholesale manner due to the fact that the institutions that advocate for them are economically influential to developing economies. In most cases therefore, the intended impact of the policies in the various economies that adopt them fail to be realized. Liberalization ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ policies for example are aimed at expanding deregulation of economies through the removal of market restrictions in terms of entry and exit, price reduction,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Type 2 Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Type 2 Diabetes - Essay Example Many of the diabetic tests being carried out in clinics do not meet the required ethical standards. Health care promoters like Doctors face direct involvement with many ethical issues (Type 2 Diabetes 2015). They are vital in decision making, and thus, making significant ethical implications. Type 2 Diabetes patients trust Doctors to act on their discretion, meaning he is left to what he feels is necessary. But as research shows, some incidents present ethical dilemma to Doctors making very few act to the best course of action. Many Doctors also have issues presenting information to patients regarding testing of Type 2 Diabetes. How a doctor perceives many of the Diabetic questions could therefore be of a big interest to his patients’. From the discussion, we find out that the legalization of some ethical issues would be a positive move towards protecting the patient and the healthcare provider. Legalization of euthanasia would be meaningful to type 2 Diabetic patient undergoing server pain. Legalization to autonomy gave Diabetic patients the freedom to withdraw from hospital bed at their own will. What does Legislation mean in Type 2 Diabetes? Legalization in Type 2 Diabetes refers to creating accommodative rules and policies that will protect and harbour workers infected by Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes should not keep an employer away from the work place. A worker should not be fired or suspended because he or she is suffering from Diabetes.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

American companies in Nazi Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American companies in Nazi Germany - Essay Example The need for automation of records plagued Hitler upon his ascent to power in early 1933. Hitler had a dream, to eliminate all Jews from Germany but he also needed to come up with a way to keep track of their deportation or their numbers in enslavement camps. International Business Machines (IBM)’s current technology had initially been produced for only one cause: to count. Whether it was people or company products, IBM had come up with a method to classify and enumerate (Black, Pp 23). It wasn’t long before IBM realized that the technology they had just given the world could do more than just count people or things. It could document data, process it, recover it and the most important part, it could analyze it. IBM had a subsidiary in Germany and the managers came up with an ingenious plan to customise these machines to tap into the furher’s needs; they had the Hollerith punch card technology and all they had to do was input the data that the third Reich wanted. In order to cash in on this opportunity they decided not to sell the machines but rather lease them to Hitler, making billions in the process. IBM knew that their products were being used for illegal purposes, and so to absolve themselves of any blame they would deny any collusion with the third Reich through structured denial of any oral agreements, contracts that were carefully crafted and using letters that had no dates on them (Black, Pp 35). It is important to note that Hitler persecuted and killed over 6 million Jews and that these numbers would not have been achieved had it not been for IBM’s technology. Upon achieving his dream of leading the Nazi, he made it his goal to identify and obliterate the country’s 6 million strong Jewish society. To everyone who followed Hitler, Jews were not just those who were practicing Judaism, but even those who had Jewish blood, in spite of their integration, whether it was due to them intermarrying, or even whether they had c onverted to Christianity. The first humane solution was to transport Jews out of the country’s ghettos using rail road lines. The next step was using the same to take them into death camps. They needed to do this with accurate timing such that the victims were able to be packed into a train and taken to execution facilities right on schedule. The coordination was such a multifaceted task, that it called for a computer Computers being nonexistent at that time, IBM had to use whatever technology they had at the time which happened to be the IBM punch card and card sorting system—a predecessor to the computer. IBM, primarily through its IBM’s subsidiary, made it their mission in life to make Hitler's program and dream of Jewish annihilation a technologic reality. The company knew people and companies the world over were in financial quagmires and with lots of profits in sight, they pursued this venture with unsettling success. IBM, using its own resources, designed , executed, and supplied this technology to Hitler's Third Reich. This was an under-taking that had never accomplished in the past the automation of human annihilation. IBM built more than 2,000 such machines that were sent off throughout Germany, and even more undocumented thousands throughout German-dominated Europe. At first the machines were used for subtle reasons of manipulation: food allocation for every location was organized in the order of databases, this allowed the Nazi to systematically starve the Jews. Where they required slaves for their factories such as ammunition companies, slave labour was easily identified, followed, and supervised largely through punch cards. Punch cards were so effective during that time that it is said that they even made the human ferrying trains run on

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Irish Persecution by England Essay Example for Free

Irish Persecution by England Essay Anti-Irish sentiment (also known as Hibernophobia, from Hibernia, the Latin name for Ireland) is traditionally rooted in the medieval period. The first British involvement in Ireland began in 1169, when Anglo-Norman troops arrived at Bannow Bay in County Wexford. During the next half millenium, successive English rulers attempted to colonize the island, pitching battles to increase their holdings – moves that sparked periodic rebellions by the Irish. When did this happen? – The English persecution of Ireland began in the 1800’s with the Act of Union which put Ireland officially under the rule of London. It has continued up until present day but persecution has decreased extremely over the past 300 years. Were any specific groups targeted? – Yes, Catholic Irish were strongly persecuted by English Protestants, which continues into present day. North Ireland seceded but was subject to much violence and was eventually forced back under British control, and still is the center of most of the heated debates of today. How were they persecuted? – Irish people were discriminated against and even murdered by English people. One of the most infamous acts came in 1972, when British paratroopers opened fire on a group of Catholic demonstrators and killed 14 people. The Penal Laws were considered to be the first form of official apartheid issued in the world, dividing and targeting people by their religion. All those not of the Anglican/Lutheran faith including not only Catholics but also Jews, Presbyterians and other types of Protestants were denied rights in relation to property ownership, political participation, and university education. Prohibition on mixed marriages on the basis of religious and racial grounds led to many rallies and riots by the Irish against the discrimination and prejudice they faced. How does this affect people today? Ethnic relations in the Republic of Ireland are relatively peaceful, given the uniformity of national culture, but Irish Travellers have often been the victims of prejudice. In Northern Ireland the level of ethnic conflict, which is inextricably linked to the provinces divergence of religion, nationalism, and ethnic identity, is high, and has been since the outbreak of political violence in 1969. Since 1994 there has been a shaky and intermittent cease-fire among the paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland. The 1998 Good Friday agreement is the most recent accord. What happened to cause it? – The English invasion sparked a lot of anti-English sentiment and led to constant fighting between the two groups. Also, the English exerted complete control and did not help the Irish during the Great Famine between 1845 and 1852, which caused riots and sparked other prejudiced movements and laws. Were there any significant figures in this? English King William III asserted complete control over the Irish in 1691. Eamon de Valera was the leader of the Sinn Fein, a political party which advocated Irish independence. He was almost executed for participating in an uprising in Dublin. Michael Collins was the leader of the IRA (the Irish Republican Army) who fought against the British for the Government of Ireland Act in 1920. Bringing the IRA fight into the international spotlight was Bobby Sands, an IRA member who died while on a hunger strike in a Belfast prison to protest his status as a common prisoner, rather than a political one.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ischaemic Pain and Cold-induced Pain Experiment

Ischaemic Pain and Cold-induced Pain Experiment Results Ice water seems to bring about 60% more pain than tourniquet. Placebo was quite effective against tourniquet (91.7% ±4.33) and had no effect on ice water (100.7% ±2.74) which appeared to be the second strongest drug. Paracetamol 1000mg combined with 8mg of codeine had negative effect on tourniquet (105.9% ±7.91) as students sensed more pain after taking drugs, and slight effect on ice water (97.2% ±3.17) which made it become the weakest drug. Paracetamol 1000mg reduced the pain for tourniquet significantly (88.6% ±7.94) and also did well against ice water (95.2% ±3.55). Paracetamol 1000mg acted as the best drug for both tourniquet and ice water treatment. These results are shown in Figures 1 and 2 ( see Appendices for raw data and summary data).   Figure 1. Effects of drugs on mean pain response sensed from tourniquet and ice water. Mean pain units were measured for both tourniquet and ice water method for students. Students were then separated into groups A, B and C to take drug placebo, paracetamol 1000mg + Codeine 8mg and paracetamol 1000mg respectively. After 45 minutes the mean pain units were measured again for all of the students ( ± standard error, n=24). Figure 2 Effects of drugs on mean % pain control response sensed from tourniquet and ice water. Mean pain units were measured for both tourniquet and ice water method for students. Students were then separated into groups A, B and C to take drug placebo, paracetamol 1000mg + Codeine 8mg and paracetamol 1000mg respectively. After 45 minutes the mean pain units were measured again for all of the students . The pain levels after taking drugs were then divided by the pain units before taking drugs for each student to get the mean % control response ( ± standard error, n=24). Discussion Paracetamol is able to inhibit the cyclooxygenase (COX) and it is highly selective for Cytochrome c oxidase subunit II( COX-2) (Burkhard Hinz2008). Inhibition of COX enzymes causes the concentration of prostaglandin E2 to decrease, as a result, the hypothalamic set-point is lowered to reduce fever and the descending inhibitory serotonergic pathways is activated to produce analgesia (Anderson BJ 2008). Codeine is a pretty weak opioid analgesic. It has to be converted into morphine to function, this can be activated by the CYP2D6 metabolic. Codeine can reduce the analgesic efficacy in as the way it slow down the metabolizer of the drug(C. Mattia 2015). The combination of Paracetamol 1000mg with codeine 8mg is found to be more effective and safer than just using paracetamol or codeine (Aust Dent 2002). On the other hand, placebo would simply have no effect on pain level as it is just a sugar pill. As morphine inhibits hot and cold pain by inhibiting HPC but increases the firing of the cold cells, this leads to the burning sensation (Mogil 1999). This directly causes the paracetamol + codeine combination did not act what we thought, the burning sensation reduced the effectiveness of pain relief. As a result, for the ice water test, paracetamol worked as the best treatment and placebo was the weakest treatment. And for the tourniquet test which causes ischemic pain, muscle contraction increases hydrogen ions causes pH decreases and leads to acidosis, and infusion rate of acidic buffer increased and causes pain (Issberner 1996). However codeine and its product morphine are both hydrogen donors and would further increase the concentration of hydrogen inside muscle and causes more pain (Atkinson AP 2011). This explains why the paracetamol + codeine had negative effect on tourniquet test. The experiment result did not match up with hypothesis as paracetamol with codeine is not the most effective drug for both ice water and tourniquet tests. There are some steps for this experiment that can be improved. First of all at the beginning of the experiment, students cells were asleep and takes time to wake up and sense the pain correctly. Especially for ice water, as human skin would always get covered by a layer of oil secreted by sebaceous glands and dirt from environment mixture, the first attempt in ice water would take time to wash the layer off the skin and causes less pain sensed, after taking drugs, students arm were no longer protected and therefore would sense a stronger pain level faster, also the amount of ice in the tank was different and might causes error for the result. For tourniquet, students might not squeeze the rubble bulb correctly and causes difference between two runs. This experiment can be improved by getting a rubble bulb that squeeze itself automatically each time with same strength; maintain the ice water with same amount of ice and temperature; put arm into the ice water to wash off the layer and also wake it up before attempt the experiment, after five minutes of recovery (let the arm to warm up and get dried) then start the experiment. This experiment result can be used in clinical treatment and develop pain-relief drugs. In conclusion, the paracetamol 1000mg is the most effective drug to relieve both ischaemic pain and cold-induced pain. Appendices Table 1. Raw data collected and summary data for pain sensed before and after taking placebo. The mean, median, standard deviation (stdev), standard error of the mean (SEM) and n values calculated for pain units and % of pain changed before and after taking placebo.Mean pain units were measured for both tourniquet and ice water method for students. Student took placebo and after 45 minutes the mean pain units were measured again for all of the students . The pain levels after taking drugs were then divided by the pain units before taking drugs for each student to get the mean % control response ( n=24). Tourniquet 0 Tourniquet 45 Ice water 0 Ice water 45 Tourniquet % control Ice Water % Control 380 390 625 640 102.6 102.4 335 260 610 670 77.6 109.8 332 150 655 627 45.2 95.7 400 250 375 350 62.5 93.3 401 295 564 592 73.6 105.0 275 200 563 570 72.7 101.2 320 255 675 575 79.7 85.2 265 305 265 300 115.1 113.2 191 200 577 482 104.7 83.5 447 397 672 660 88.8 98.2 169 190 668 646 112.4 96.7 245 295 580 535 120.4 92.2 280 300 485 390 107.1 80.4 475 430 675 605 90.5 89.6 270 285 550 620 105.6 112.7 390 300 575 585 76.9 101.7 380 388 663 675 102.1 101.8 275 310 445 500 112.7 112.4 225 150 385 570 66.7 148.1 543 580 140 145 106.8 103.6 400 425 575 525 106.3 91.3 325 400 700 700 123.1 100.0 161 138 291 277 85.7 95.2 395 243 680 697 61.5 102.5 n 24 24 24 24 24 24 median 328.5 295 576 580 96.3 100.6 mean 328.29 297.33 541.38 539.00 91.7 100.7 stdev 96.97 106.14 150.86 146.49 21.2 13.4 SEM 19.79 21.67 30.79 29.90 4.33 2.74 Table 2. Raw data collected and summary data for pain sensed before and after taking paracetamol 1000mg + codeine 8mg. The mean, median, standard deviation (stdev), standard error of the mean (SEM) and n values calculated for pain units and % of pain changed before and after taking placebo.Mean pain units were measured for both tourniquet and ice water method for students. Student took paracetamol 1000mg + codeine 8mgand after 45 minutes the mean pain units were measured again for all of the students . The pain levels after taking drugs were then divided by the pain units before taking drugs for each student to get the mean % control response ( n=24). Tourniquet 0 Tourniquet 45 Ice water 0 Ice water 45 Tourniquet % control Ice Water % Control 380 340 630 625 89.5 99.2 533 538 471 525 100.9 111.5 225 320 550 565 142.2 102.7 350 275 597 585 78.6 98.0 345 150 647 675 43.5 104.3 575 260 645 520 45.2 80.6 175 300 425 530 171.4 124.7 249 234 353 299 94.0 84.7 280 160 600 520 57.1 86.7 255 163 648 615 63.9 94.9 263 250 660 665 95.1 100.8 260 280 355 340 107.7 95.8 200 375 440 420 187.5 95.5 185 160 540 325 86.5 60.2 435 368 600 595 84.6 99.2 345 315 535 435 91.3 81.3 315 265 472 575 84.1 121.8 220 300 575 600 136.4 104.3 450 545 565 683 121.1 120.9 235 418 476 523 177.9 109.9 125 160 595 555 128.0 93.3 277 370 670 660 133.6 98.5 60 63 511 500 105.0 97.8 460 540 565 378 117.4 66.9 n 24 24 24 24 24 24 median 270 290 565 542.5 98.0 98.2 mean 299.88 297.88 546.88 529.71 105.9 97.2 stdev 125.33 127.25 92.13 112.04 38.8 15.5 SEM 25.58 25.97 18.81 22.87 7.91 3.17 Table 3 Raw data collected and summary data for pain sensed before and after taking paracetamol 1000mg. The mean, median, standard deviation (stdev), standard error of the mean (SEM) and n values calculated for pain units and % of pain changed before and after taking placebo.Mean pain units were measured for both tourniquet and ice water method for students. Student took paracetamol 1000mgand after 45 minutes the mean pain units were measured again for all of the students . The pain levels after taking drugs were then divided by the pain units before taking drugs for each student to get the mean % control response ( n=24). Tourniquet 0 Tourniquet 45 Ice water 0 Ice water 45 Tourniquet % control Ice Water % Control 460 480 390 370 104.3 94.9 584 400 980 674 68.5 68.8 250 350 550 625 140.0 113.6 210 225 585 610 107.1 104.3 300 175 590 555 58.3 94.1 455 415 530 600 91.2 113.2 165 100 460 390 60.6 84.8 280 80 600 400 28.6 66.7 257 195 640 645 75.9 100.8 195 185 555 550 94.9 99.1 242 200 560 612 82.6 109.3 270 260 405 250 96.3 61.7 330 310 605 635 93.9 105.0 295 240 445 375 81.4 84.3 313 253 695 655 80.8 94.2 61 85 380 290 139.3 76.3 205 330 525 570 161.0 108.6 165 50 325 435 30.3 133.8 180 260 675 550 144.4 81.5 230 125 585 615 54.3 105.1 373 363 585 443 97.3 75.7 170 250 650 625 147.1 96.2 275 25 270 300 9.1 111.1 528 415 585 595 78.6 101.7 n 24 24 24 24 24 24 median 263.5 245 572.5 562.5 86.9 97.6 mean 283.04 240.46 548.75 515.38 88.6 95.2 stdev 123.24 125.39 143.93 131.49 38.9 17.4 SEM 25.16 25.60 29.38 26.84 7.94 3.55 References Anderson BJ. Paracetamol (acetaminophen): mechanisms of action. Pediatr Anesth 2008;18:915-21. Aust Dent J. 2002 Jun;47(2):147-51.Paracetamol versus paracetamol-codeine in the treatment of post-operative dental pain: a randomized, double-blind, prospective trial. Macleod AG1, Ashford B, Voltz M, Williams B, Cramond T, Gorta L, Simpson JM Burkhard Hinz,Olga Cheremina and Kay Brune, February 2008, The FASEB Journalvol. 22 no. 2 383-390 C. Mattia, F. Coluzzi, 2015,A look inside the association codeine-paracetamol: clinical pharmacology supports analgesic efficacy, Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, Vol. 19 N. 3, Pages: 507-516. Oxford, 2007, league table of analgesic efficacy, viewed 13 May 2015, Issberner, Reeh and Steen (1996) Pain due to tissue acidosis: a mechanism for inflammatory and ischemic myalgia? Neuroscience Letters, Vol 208, 191-194. Mogil and Adhikari (1999) Hot and cold nociception are genetically correlated. The Journal of Neuroscience, Vol 19, RC25, 1-5.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Organ Donation :: essays research papers

On April 16, 1996, my grandfather passed away of cancer. He had been ill since November of 1995, and he needed a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, he never received one, resulting in the cause of his death. Each day about 70 people receive an organ transplant. However, 16 people die each day waiting for transplants that cannot take place because of the shortage of donated organs, according to In New York alone, only 350 people are organ donors where 7,000 New Yorkers are currently awaiting organ transplants. One organ donor can save up to 8 lives by donating their heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas, and intestines. Anyone can become an organ donor, and everyone should consider it. According to, organs and tissues are distributed through federally or state authorized regional organ and tissue banks. Your decision to become an organ donor will not interfere with the health care you receive. Saving a patient’s life is the health care provider’s first priority, and it does not cost your family anything. According to, family consent is required for organ donation. Referring to an article titled, â€Å"The Gift of Organ Donation,† written by Dr. Dan Fischer about organ donation, organ donation is a lifesaving gift to a person who needs a healthy organ. It is an opportunity for you to give life to another human being after you have passed away. Organ donors are desperately needed in this country, and everyone should consider themselves a potential donor. According to a statistic on organdonors.html, tens of thousands of people wait each year for transplants, and between 10-20% of them die for lack of suitable organs. Death is a sad and final affair, especially through accidental or terminal illness.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

imbedded journalists Essay -- essays research papers

The embedding of journalists in Iraq has opened up many doors for the profession of journalism and for the United States military. Not only could the general public view the war from inside the battle, they witnessed the dirt raining on the troops as a rocket propelled grenade hits close to a battalions position and the soldiers wince as they are stung by a violent sandstorm. During the conflict, the United States military permitted news organizations to have a reporter travel with the ground troops in Iraq. This not only allowed reporters to record the battles from an up close and personal persepective, but it also allowed the public to see a the human side of the troops. Theoritically, this practice is an incredible opportunity for the military and the news organizations to mend their historically troubled relationship; however, in application it undermines everything that a journalist must do in order to accurately report the news, subjecting themselves to censorship and getting involved with a conflict. It is an ethics nightmare to think of all of the codes of the journalistic profession that are violated with this practice. Although it is better then the relationship between the press and the military has been for many years, it is still flawed and in desperate need of refinement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the Vietnam War, censorship was at a minimum. War correspondants traveled freely through Vietnam, often with a military transport. The government was very...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Theme of Forgiveness in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

Theme of Forgiveness in The Scarlet Letter "The public is despotic in its temper; it is capable of denying common justice when too strenuously demanded as a right; but quite as frequently it awards more than justice when the appeal is made, as despots love to have it made entirely to it's generosity." The Scarlet Letter (156) One of themes that Hawthorne conveys in The Scarlet Letter is that society is more willing to forgive people who ask for forgiveness with humility and generosity than those who demanded it as a right. This theme was conveys using Hester Prynne, a young women who committed adultery. This was considered to be one of the worst crime someone could commit in the Puritan society during the eighteen hundreds, where she resides in. As punishment, Hester was required to wear a scarlet letter "A" upon her garment in order for everyone to recognize her crime. Her society had condemn her, they believed that she "has brought shame upon all of us, and ought to die..."(59) Yet, as time went by, because of the way in which Hester carried herself wearing the scarlet letter, the symbol had taken a new meaning. Although, when the scarlet letter was first place on her bosom it was a symbol of Hester's crime, burden, seclusion, and shame. However, as a result of Hester's generosit y and humility the scarlet letter had come to symbolize Hester's strength, philanthropy, and gained her very high respectability in her society. "Let her cover the mark as she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart."(59). The scarlet letter was place upon Hester Prynne bosom as a punishment for the crime she committed; the letter A to signified adulteress. The letter A on her bosom was there as a reminder the townspeople, strangers and Hester herself of the crime she committed. Likewise, it was there to ensure that such a crime would not again befell upon their Puritan community. " "Drink, then," replied he, still with the same cold composure. "Dost thou know me so little, Hester Prynne? Are my purposes wont to be so shallow? Even if I imagine a scheme of vengeance, what could I do better for my object than to let thee live-than to give thee medicines against all harm and peril of life so that this burning Shame may still blaze upon thy bosom?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Othello Response

janskii – Othello Response. Mr. jannski Othello Response After reading â€Å"Othello† by William Shakespeare i found it to be a very intriguing story that contained great details and imagery. This tale also includes a fascinating plot line. I can relate to the text in this story very well. The character Rodrigo is very much alike me because i have been in the situation alike where, i had feelings for someone who had absolutely no mutual interests back to me and the person i had interests for had feelings for someone else.I can fully relate to the jealousy that Rodrigo continues to experience. This does not conflict with which i see the world. I see the world as, you cant fix something without resorting to violence. In the story, theres violent themes such as hatred and a great example of this would be when Iago says that he hates Othello. â€Å"I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets ‘has done my office. † He says that he hates Othello because rumors point to Othello sleeping with Iago’s wife.In the text, Iago tries to provoke Brabantio by telling him his daughter is seeing Othello, whitch triggers very vulgar language. This can be explained when Iago proclaims, â€Å"Even now, now, very now, an old Welhaf 1 black ram is tupping your white ewe†. Thats my opinion on this tale of different emotions, which contained many themes and is serious, yet comical in some parts. Its a hard read for a 10th grade honors class, so reading pages multiple times would ensure a good understanding about this story. I can fully relate to the jealousy that Rodrigo continues to experience.This does not conflict with which i see the world. I see the world as, you cant fix something without resorting to violence. In the story, theres violent themes such as hatred and a great example of this would be when Iago says that he hates Othello. â€Å"I hate the Moor, And it is thought abroad that ‘twixt my sheets â⠂¬Ëœhas done my office. † He says that he hates Othello because rumors point to Othello sleeping with Iago’s wife. In the text, Iago tries to provoke Brabantio by telling him his daughter is seeing Othello, whitch triggers very vulgar language.This can be explained when Iago proclaims, â€Å"Even now, now, very now, an old. black ram is tupping your white ewe†. Thats my opinion on this tale of different emotions, which contained many themes and is serious, yet comical in some parts. Its a hard read for a 10th grade honors class, so reading pages multiple times would ensure a good understanding about this story. I can fully relate to the jealousy that Rodrigo continues to experience. This does not conflict with which i see the world. I see the world as, you cant fix something without resorting to.Ery now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe†. Thats my opinion on this tale of different emotions, which contained many themes and is serious, yet comical i n some parts. Its a hard read for a 10th grade honors class, so reading pages multiple times would ensure a good understanding about this story. I can fully relate to the jealousy that Rodrigo continues to experience. This does not conflict with which i see the world. I see the world as, you cant fix something without resorting to.

Palamon Love Essay

Palamon wants Arcite to let his eyes of Emily and not interfere, but Arcite says â€Å"l loved her first as women and on my head I swear, love is a greater law than any other that may be given to any earthly man. † (pg. 89) love replaces all other commitments. They both show each other how much they love Emily. Later on, they both somehow manage to get out of prison. First, Arcite got out and after seven years Palamon. They both suddenly meet at grove in ngry looks and want to fight for Emily, while Theseus appearing there too with his wife and Emily. At first Theseus wanted to kill them, but seeing the situation of theirs he changes his mind and sets up arena for them to fght. They both are ready to do anything to grant Emily as wife. Then, Theseus builds 3 temples. Venus (the goddess of love), Mars (the god of war), and Diana (the goddess of chastity). Palamon went to Venus to ask to get Emily, Arcite went to Mars to ask to win the war, and Emily went to Diana to ask to say virgin or else marry a guy love her the most. After that, the battle begun and Arcite won the war with the help of the god that he visited, and Palamon lost, but in the end Palamon won and got Emily. Palamon won because of Pluto who sent earthquake at Saturn’s request for Venus. Arcite dies because of earthquake and fell from his horse and hits his head to ground. He died as noble knight to get Emily, and didn’t care about his brotherhood relationship with Palamon while fghing against him for Emily. The knight is noble, conqueror, gentle and has pity, which he is similar to Theseus the character in the story that he is telling. The gentle duke jumped down from his horse with pitying heart as he heard them speak†. (pg. 77) Theseus takes pity on those women that he meets on his way and gives what the women asked for. Which it looks like that the Knight is describing himself as Theseus. He likes fghting from the beginning so he made arrangement for Arcite and Palamon to fght over Emily. The story starts with battle of Amazons and after he marries the queen of Amazon as price of winning a battle besides the story also ends with Palamon marrying Emily in which he also get her by winning the battle.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Influence of the Internet on Modern Society.

?The influence of the internet on modern society. CSC 1015 By Ryan Foreman 091811594 Introduction This essay focuses on the impact that the interent has had on modern society. I will give a brief history of the internet, talking about its origins and the key developments that have occured up until now. Then look at how the internet has changed society so far, including how it has changed social interactions, e-commerce and jobs. Also discussing the advantages and disadvatages of the interent and if we are better of with the internet, how i think the internet will develop and finally drawing my own personal conclusion. History of the internet – Before the invention of practical computers, people had visioned concepts of the internet Mountbatten, (1946 cited in Naughton,2000) thought that â€Å"Morse operators would be replaced by automatic apparatus . . . a single unified world-wide network of stations would be set up over which messages would be passed automatically. † Mountbatten's theory is simular to the function of e-mails. The term â€Å"father of the internet† has been thrown abouut, this is because so many people have contributed to the development of the internet three names always occur Vannevar Bush, Norbert Wiener and J. C. R Licklider. My personal opinion is that it was Paul Baran, this is because of his work on packet switched networks Naughton, (2000) â€Å"The core of Baran's algorithm was a constantly updated table containg data about how many ‘hops' were needed for a message to reach every other node in the system. † This is the idea of packet switching. The first form of the public internet was developed by CERN and invented by Tim Berners-lee he was the first person to communicate from a HTTP client to a server via the internet. Since the internet has become avaliable it has had millions of users, the internet have expanded vastly from being able to communicate from one computer to another to having television channels broadcasted live. How the internet has changed society so far. Society has been able to become socially active online with social networking sites such as facebook, myspace and Instant messaging services, i think the reason this has become popular is because these websites and programs are free and the ease of access, allowing people anywhere to talk to anyone in the world providing they have internet access. High street stores, have developed websites to advertise what they have instore online, giving the user the abilty to buy the product online and have it delivered to their house without having to go to the high street, i see this as a great advantage to people who live in remote locations, do not have mobile transport or are unable to travel, having an online store appeals to alot more people and gives the comapny a larger market. The internet has created many jobs, with the development of servers people are needed to maintain them, well as website developers and people needed to develop new technologies for the internet. Banks now allow customers to monitor their accounts online,[6] â€Å"49% of internet users access internet banking. † giving them more control over their account and they can check themselves. I personally think that this is a bad idea because of the risk of fraud and people becoming paranoid about their money, on the other hand account holders can also keep track of their finances incase illegal transactions are taking place. Thanks to the internet employees can work from anywhere, saving office space and capital costs on bulidings, i think that this has changed alot of workplace ethics, social workplace interaction has changed because employees are not working together in one place, although if employees are happy to work from home they may have higher job satisfaction. The benefits of the internet In the following paragraph i will discuss the advantage of the internet in modern day society. The interent has created new was of communication, such s instant messaging and video confencing but i think that the biggest influence is e-mail [1]†The use of e-mail is having a great impact on society. † E-mail has changed communication that now businesses use it. [1] â€Å"E-mail is a very fast way to work that reflects very well the nature of business today. † because of its efficiency, cost and ease of use e-mail has become a favoured method of communication. Business has thived on the intern et, internet business are able to reach a wider market [2]†Through the internet, a business of any size can compete in the global marketplace. In fact, on the internet, the size of an organization's operation makes little difference because the internet is an open environment. † because anyone has access to the internet businesses can reach anyone also giving the customer a wider choice of products. The internet has also seen new markets for jobs appear [3]†over the last decade or so the Internet has created 1. 2 million jobs, many paying higher salaries than average. † because of the new developments there are more people needed to perform research maintain and manage these areas of the internet. The dangers of the internet. In this paragraph i will be looking at the disadvantages of the internet. There are dangers of online communication such as social networks where users can lie about who they are [4]â€Å"Megan thought she was being abused by 16-year-old Josh Evans, she was actually talking to Lori Drew, the 49-year-old mother of one of her former friends who, it is alleged, had set up a fake profile to taunt Megan. † in social networking sites it is very easy for people to lie about who they are and trick other people. Businesses using online transactions have become victim to cyber-crime, there are many forms of cyber-crime, hacking involves gaining information without the users permission and misusing it, Cyber-crime is a huge part crime in todays society and is still growing [5]â€Å"Online theft costs $1 trillion a year, the number of attacks is rising sharply and too many people do not know how to protect themselves† because many businesses don't know how to protect themselves are being preyed on by hackers. Since e-mails have become mainstream less letters have been sent [6] â€Å"The impact of the internet and other communication technologies, such as mobile phones, has been so great that it has actually severed the link between the postal market and economic growth. † this decline in the postal market may be [6] â€Å"the rapid increase of internet access, with 70% of homes in the UK now online. † and also [6] â€Å"87% of internet users send e-mails. † because so many people have access to the internet and e-mails post is becoming redundant. If the benefits outways the dangers In this paragraph I will draw a conclusion on whether the benefits of the internet outway the dangers. Businesses have hugely benefitted from the internet with the access to a wider market, but a major disadvantage is cyber-crime one crime in specific fraud. I beleive the advantage outways the disadvantage because there are many ways businesses can protect themselves against fraud with software and training. Social networks have a huge advantage of being able to communicate with vast amounts of people from anywhere at any time, but people many younger internet users are targeted and negatively influenced over these sites, these influences can be stopped if the correct action can be taken a careful use of these sites. There have been so many jobs created by the internet because of all the new markets being created, aswell as all of these jobs being created many jobs have been lost [6]â€Å"55,000 jobs lost since 2002. . There have been many more jobs created than lost so far so i see the internet being an advantage. Summary The internet has vastly changed society through the many different areas that i have looked at, communication has greatly benefitted by having fast, easy and cheap communication, businesses have been able to reach a larger market and customers can choose from a wider range of products, more skilled jobs have been created. The internet has also created negative aspects such as communication and businesses have xperienced crime and online bullying, also many jobs have been lost because less people are using some services that the internet can now provide. My own personal experience of the internet has been of all of the areas discussed and i have always had good experiences. In conclusion the internet has created so many new jobs and markets rather than taken them away, as [6]â€Å"70% of homes in the UK now online. † it has affect a huge amount of the UK society and had a positive affect or people wouldn't use it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Yesterday: the Color Purple and Welcome Table

For my week one assignment I choose to write about â€Å"The Welcome Table† (Walker, A) 1970. What first captured my interest in this short story was a poem listed before the story, the poem was called â€Å"For my sister Clara Ward† by (Walker, A) 1970 â€Å"I’m going to sit at the Welcome table, Shout my troubles over, Walk and talk with Jesus, Tell God how you treat me, One of these days! † This short story and poem reminds me of going to church with my great grandmother and grandmother. At that time I didn’t realize how precious it was to have them around.I took for granted having dinner every Sunday after church with those two wonderful ladies, sometime we would have conversations about Jesus and life for hours and hours as we sat around the table. Today I wish they were still here to help guide me through hard times. I find myself walking with my eyes closed listening for their voices for some kind of spiritual direction. Reading â€Å"The We lcome Table† allowed my mind to connect with my imagination to what Alice Walker was expressing to the world, and to the readers.The story focuses on an elderly woman’s life, and after she had worked for many years in many different households, she knew her life was soon coming to an end. Though she felt her life would soon be over her inspiration and focus was looking forward to having a talk with Jesus at the welcome table.The welcome table I believe is a metaphor for when she reaches heaven, she will be able to talk with her savior. In her final days she choose to attend a church to worship and praise Jesus, unfortunately because she was  unfamiliar to the parishioners of the church she was not allowed to continue her worship and she was escorted out of the church, from there the author tells how this elderly woman walked away with her head up and eventually on her journey met with the Lord and he took her home. I was asked to describe one of the analytical approac hes outlined in Chapter 16, using details from the text to support your interpretations. I chose to use a formalist approach in my critical essay.1- The setting for is short story was based on inter-racial issues from a moral and spiritual perspective. It reminds me of my great grandmother and grandmother telling me stories about their participation in some civil right demonstrations, how they have to drink water, shop for food and household supplies and praise God in certain section of the town that they both were raised in. I was always told you must stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.No matter what happen to the women in the story, her faith like Job, no matter what happen she praised God till the very end. That’s what made this story so memorable. 2- The author made this story intriguing from start to finish. I knew what was going on, but was still surprise at the Christians and the way they handle her. 3- The Welcome Table was well described and devel oped. It seems like it was based from the same small town in the movie â€Å"The Color Purple† which was also written Alice Walker, who was best known for this Pulitzer Prize winning novel â€Å"The Color Purple†.4- The author had to use some figurative language to set the back drop and to set the mood to reveal the era of the story. It was based in Georgia. You can tell that the town was still segregated and no real harm came to the women because of her age. 5- My point of view was her skin was a pale gray from working in extreme Georgia weather picking cotton, many years she worked also as a cook, chauffeur, and maid some might say mistress.The only pleasure in life that was left was going to church to thank God for keeping her through all the hard times. â€Å"Many at the church saw this as the beginning of the end of the sanctuary of Christian worship. Saw the desecration of Holy Church, and saw an invasion of privacy, which they struggled to believe they still ke pt† (Walker, A) 1970. Surprisingly enough this elderly woman was escorted by force out of the church building and into the presence of Jesus.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Stressors and Anxiety in the Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Research Paper

Stressors and Anxiety in the Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery - Research Paper Example The anxiety associated with the surgery exists in the post period of the surgery as well. Although many patients projected low level of anxiety and stress before surgery many have experienced borderline or clinically significant levels of anxiety before surgery. It is noticed that people has more stress and anxiety before surgery have poor outcomes than people having lower level of stress and anxiety. The patients undergoing heart surgeries are exposed to high risk and this could be the reason for the anxiety and stress in them. Normally anxiety increase in patient before cardiac surgery but return to normal level after six month of the surgery. Patients with high anxiety and stress before the surgery is exposed to mortality risk during surgery. It is seen that anxiety level is acute in patients about to undergo cardiac surgery and people with extreme stress are advised to give clinical support .The anxiety is normally high in patient who has death in their family due to heart failur e. Stress may occur because of increased stress and anxiety related to the forthcoming surgery. Anxiety and stress usually increase with the admission in hospital and impending surgery. The stress and anxiety before surgery People are stressed and anxious before surgery thinking about the complication during the surgery and recovery failure. According to (Scott,2009)â€Å"Having surgery can bring a lot of stress. ... People are advised breath taking exercises to relax the body and this can reduce the body’s response to stress. Breath taking exercise can stop the physiological response of the body due to stress and reverse the procedure. The stressful experience occurs in the mind and what we think stressful can trigger anxiety and stress in people on thinking about it. Studies have shown that people who are stressed in everyday life are more prone to stress before surgery. The pain during surgery and post surgery can lead to major stress among patients. Patients and their family are usually given educational support and assistance before the surgical event. Stress of the patients can be reduced if they are given complete information about the surgery in simple words.Moslty, the surgeons and nurses does not get adequate time to spend with the patients in order to pacify or console them before surgery. In real, surgeons should listen to the queries of the patients and guide them in proper ma nner to reduce their stress and anxiety. It is found that women are more stressed than men before cardiac surgery. As per (Desborough,2000,pg.109-117) â€Å"The stress response to surgery is characterized by increased secretion of pituitary hormones and activation of the sympathetic nervous system†Mostly people who have stress before surgery also might be facing problems in their daily life too. Having a health problem itself is a stressful issue and on above that open heart surgery can increase the risk factor. Patients are stressful before the CABG procedure as they are uncertain about the outcome of the heart surgery. Pain is the main cause of stres in patient and this can be overcome by the appliance of appropriate pain management program. Patients are

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Impact of Demand and Supply on Price and Quantity Essay

Impact of Demand and Supply on Price and Quantity - Essay Example For ringing out the inverse relationship between price and quantity, we have to assume that other things are equal which means that all the factors, other than the price of the goods remain unchanged. This is called the ceteris paribus assumption. In the diagram, the line ABC is called a demand curve which shows the inverse relationship between the price and quantity demanded. The demand curve will always slope downwards to the right. The most important reason for the demand curve sloping downwards is the operation of the law of diminishing marginal utility. The law of diminishing marginal utility explains that the consumer will buy more and more of a commodity only at a lesser price. The term supply means the quantities of goods and services which a seller is willing and able to offer for sale at a price during a period of time. Thus, supply is always at a price, at a particular point of time and at a certain quantity. The law of supply states that other things being equal higher the price greater will be the quantity supplied by the producer and lower the price smaller will be the quantity supplied. There is a direct and positive relationship between price and quantity supplied.. ... LAW OF SUPPLY The term supply means the quantities of goods and services which a seller is willing and able to offer for sale at a price during a period of time. Thus, supply is always at a price, at a particular point of time and at a certain quantity. The law of supply states that other things being equal higher the price greater will be the quantity supplied by the producer and lower the price smaller will be the quantity supplied. There is a direct and positive relationship between price and quantity supplied. ABC is the supply curve. The relationship between the price and quantity supplied is depicted by the supply curve. When price remains constant producers or sellers may come forward to supply less or more at a particular price. This is referred to as a shift in supply. DEMAND INCREASES and SUPPLY INCREASES When both the demand and supply increases the quantity will not be much affected because an increase in demand will be met by an increase in supply. This situation mostly is found during the long period when the firm will have adequate time and resources to meet the increase in demand. In the long run, all the factors are variable. Under the long period, supply and demand fluctuate freely and they become equal. Therefore there will not be much increase or decrease in price and price will remain stable. During the long period, there is ample time for the firm to increase the capital for the expansion of plant and machinery to increase the quantity of output, according to the increase in demand. Therefore supply can be changed to meet the increased demand of any commodity.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Zara Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Zara Case Study - Essay Example Moreover, an analysis of the internal environment is performed to determine the strengths as well as weaknesses of the company. It has been observed that there are certain incidents in relation to adverse treatment of employees that has affected the stability of the company. Moreover, the employees are also perceived to be provided with deprived working environment. These incidents are accountable for hampering the brand image as well as reputation of the company. Furthermore, the strategies of the company are recognised in order to determine their appropriateness. It has been perceived that the company is quite successful with its existing strategies. There are a few recommendations which are made with respect to corporate social responsibility policies in order to improve the business principles to perform its operations more responsibly. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Q1. Analysis of the External Environment 5 2.1. Macro Environment Analysis – PESTEL

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Limitations in Reliability of Interest Rate Sensitivity Gap Case Study - 1

Limitations in Reliability of Interest Rate Sensitivity Gap - Case Study Example The researcher states that the use of the interest rate gap in measuring the interest rate risk has various limitations. When there is high volatility in the interest rate in the market the use of gap method does not yield desired results. In the duration gap approach, it is difficult to match the duration of assets with the liabilities. Besides, this analysis is useful only when there are small and identical changes in the short term and long term rates of interest. The grouping of assets and liabilities based on duration is difficult in the case of prepayments by the clients or default. When there is a fall in the interest rates the prepayment increases that make the bank â€Å"asset sensitive†. If the interest rates are anticipated to increase by 1 percent then to reduce the impact on earnings the corporation must keep a Positive Gap. This means that the rate sensitive assets should be more than the rate sensitive liabilities. If this is positive then the increase in intere st rates increases the net interest income. The Gap of the corporation is mostly positive for all the time periods except for the investments that are of less than six-month maturity. In all the classes with a positive gap, the corporation will benefit due to the anticipated increase of 1%. It will only lose on the negative gap because the net interest income will reduce for the assets and liabilities of six months maturity. The interest expense will be more on account of increase in the rate and the gap being negative i.e. the number of liabilities exceeding the number of assets, there will be a fall in the net income. The cumulative gap of the corporation is positive at $1194 million.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Required to perform an Analysis of Variance using SPSS Essay

Required to perform an Analysis of Variance using SPSS - Essay Example The observed result is the level of sales in that locality in the fortnight following the appearance of the first advertisement. From the two way analysis of variance, it can be observed that the main effect length and media are significant. This is because the significant value of media is 0.000; the significant value of media is 0.0000 which are less than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is significant difference in the main effects. The significant value of the interaction of main effect media and length is equal to 0.001 which is less than 0.05 level of confidence. This implies that there is significant difference in the interaction. The percentage of the value of sales volume accounted by the model is 78.4%. This is because that value of R-squared is equal to 0.784. From the mean comparison of the sales posted though the Tv or radio advertisement, it can be observed that the value of significant difference indicate that there is no significant difference in the mean sales of the given by either Tv or Radio. From the pairwise combination of medium and length, it can be observed that the combination of long length and radio form of advertisement give the least sales. This implies that the combination of advertisement of long length and radio is the one that cannot be used for

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Attachments theory as it affects adolescants Essay

Attachments theory as it affects adolescants - Essay Example According to attachment theory, primary caregivers become increasingly differentiated from other people in the minds of infants during their first year of life. During childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, many individuals encounter difficulties in their relationships with parents and spouses that shake their confidence in the availability of these attachment figures. Such difficulties may fundamentally disrupt attachment bonds and dramatically reduce an individual's capacity to adapt to challenges outside the family. In the second volume of Attachment and Loss, Bowlby (1973) refined his definition of the set goal of the attachment system. In considering the effects of separations on children, he moved toward the notion that security derives from a child's appraisal of an attachment figure's availability (Bowlby, 1973). The child needs to experience a parent who is not only accessible but also responsive. This aspect of security incorporated Ainsworth's findings that it is the quality of day-to-day interactions, not just major separations, that influences infants' attachment expectations. In contrast, various nonresponsive or insensitive f orms of care can undermine the infant's confidence or even lead to expectations for rejection or inconsistent response. Separation distress results from the appraisal that a parent is inaccessible (Ainsworth et al., 1978). This perceived threat to a parent's accessibility activates the attachment system and motivates a child to reestablish contact. Emotional reactions accompanying the appraisal of threat include fear and anger. Fear activates the attachment system and signals the child's distress. Anger results from frustrations that the child encounters in trying to regain access, and it mobilizes efforts to reestablish contact. Adolescents The adolescent, by contrast, may act out her conflict about separating through fights with her mother and open defiance. Her upheaval may be more visibly apparent in her relationship with her mother, more provocative and dramatic. Girls may direct their acting out toward their bodies and engage in behaviors that are outside of the domain of parental control. They are at increased risk for eating disorders, reckless or promiscuous sexual activity, and self-cutting or other forms of mutilation. Adolescents may also use drugs and alcohol to rebel, explore, and escape painful feelings. Self-defeating or destructive behavior may provide an illusion of independence while also serving to defend against regressive longings. The thrill and power of reckless acting out can reduce their sense of vulnerability and distract from feelings of loss associated with the transition from childhood dependence. The attachment to a therapist can take pressure off the mother-daughter dyad, as some dependenc e needs are being met in a relationship outside the family. However, the stage is then set for the adolescent to recreate with the therapist elements of her struggle with her mother. Her dependence on the therapist can trigger resistance to treatment. Like the defiance at home, acting out within therapy may serve both to rebel against therapeutic influence and to pull for protective intervention (Cassidy et al., 2003). Similar patterns of maladaptation have been identified in adolescents and adults who are classified as

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Write about short fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Write about short fiction - Essay Example In many ways, this adds to the subject of self-identity echoed by other writers as well. The story is written by Jhumpa Lahiri who is an Indian American author. She has been an experience writer from debut short story collection, Interpreter of Maladies and won the 2000 Pulitzer Fiction Prize. Her reputation and experience has not been hidden in her work of Hell-Heaven as a short story. Hell-Heaven talks about the struggles of living in the America with a Bengali culture. The struggle is shown in this short story from the characters Pranab Kaku and Usha. They both make decisions that make them prefer one culture over the other. Jhumpa Lahiri in her book Hell-Heaven explores geographies of intimacy and the manner in which various spaces control intimacies, re-form intergenerational intimacies and disrupt traditional narratives of intimacy. The author specifically focuses on second-generation immigrants of Bengali, detailing the unique challenges or experiences they encounter from a banished sense of the â€Å"familiar† intimacy of their motherland and the similar narratives of advances with which their fathers struggled. The woman in this short story is fundamentally responsible for depicting the boundaries of the old and new geographies of intimacy. This is a story that looks at simple human emotions like loneliness, jealousy, love and describes how various individuals change drastically over time due to geographical. The title is taken from this paragraph from the story Hell-Heaven: â€Å"He used to be so different. I don’t understand how a person can change so suddenly it’s just hel l-heaven† (p, 112). In Hell-Heaven, Pranab Chakraborty, is an MIT graduate student, Boston is considering returning to his motherland in Calcutta because of being homesickness. Through this thought, one can argue that despite the many privileges that these individuals in the Diaspora may have,

Friday, September 6, 2019

Throughout Ken Keseys tremendous novel Essay Example for Free

Throughout Ken Keseys tremendous novel Essay It is another meeting though with McMurphy which causes the most drastic and evident change to Chief Bromdens character. In the midst of a bed time conversation with the Chief, McMurphy gives him a packet of chewing gum, the Chief replies Thank you. The chief then goes on to state this again. This comment from the Chief can be taken in two separate ways; metaphorically the Chief has said thank you to McMurphy, but, on the other hand he has thanked McMurphy for the allowing him to open up and talk and realise that he is not, in fact, insane. As well as that, it also shows how all along McMurphys inclination about the Chief was right. During that night time conversation with McMurphy the Chief talks about how small he is, demonstrating how the combine has affected him. Youre lot bigger, toughern I am. McMurphy then replies, You stand a head tallern any man on the ward. There aint a man here you couldnt turn every way but loose, and thats a fact! The Chief then dismisses this comment No. Im way too little. I used to be big, but not no more. Youre twice the size of me. This repetitive negative, Not no more, illustrates how he feels negative towards himself too, and how broken a man he is due to his time spent in the combine. McMurphy realises that, with the size of the Chief, he could use him to lift the control panel which he hadnt been able to lift at the beginning of the novel. He begins to build up the chiefs morale by complementing him in a descriptive metaphor, giving an image of how life will change for the good, Oh man I tell you, youll have women trippin you and beatin you to the floor. He offers him a free place in his special body-buildin course, and as McMurphy walks down the hall to sign the Chief up for the fishing trip he pulls the covers off him and states Look there, Chief. Haw what did a tell ya? You growed a half foot already. This again is used by McMurphy to build Chief Bromdens self image. Due to the character building of McMurphy and the Chiefs ability to find the cause of his illness he grows into a new man, a man able to be rebellious and able to pull away from the tight grasp which the combine has upon him. This point of rebellion expresses the Chiefs refusal to mop the hall. They stuck a broom out for me to do their work up the hall, I turned around and walked back to the dorm, telling myself, the hell with that. This emphasises the change in Chief Bromdens character as he is now confident enough to refuse duties from the black boys. This alliteration in the description of the boys is used extensively throughout the novel, emphasisng there colour, in 1962 (when it was first published) there was a lot of racism, white people were far more superior, and also their age, showing how even boys are running the institute, telling the white men what to do. But the main change to the Chief is his ability to laugh. I could look down and see myself with the rest of the guys and watch them, us, swinging in laughter. This is an effective use of imagery, as this metaphor emphasises how the Chief has grown mentally stronger as a man, as earlier on in the novel he states, You cant really be strong until you can see the funny side to things. His mental strength is illustrated through his physical strength in the shower room. So I picked him off and threw him in the shower. He was full of tubes; he didnt weigh moren ten or fifteen pounds. Demonstrating how McMurphys plan of making the Chief grow back to his real size is working. The character of Chief Bromden develops even further as when he notices a fog being produced by the combine and refuses to, slip off and hide in it. No never again, as he knows, this time I had them beat, thus emphasising how he has nearly recovered from his sickness. Finally the Chiefs transformation is complete, when McMurphy comes back down to the ward after his lobotomy the chief kills him out of compassion and escapes by throwing the control panel at the screened window. After the lobotomy, McMurphy states that he cannot do things like he used to, hobbled like this, the metaphor highlights that the institute has now got total control over McMurphy, even though he is not literally hobbled, as in cannot walk properly, he cannot think for himself, is a vegetable, he is hobbled. However though, the path the Chief ventures out on after escaping from the hospital is the same as the ill fated dog took earlier on in the novel when chasing a goose as it met the oncoming headlights of a vehicle, thus emphasising the battle between animals and machinery and how machinery will always win. In conclusion Chief Bromdens character develops extensively through out the novel from being a fully fledged member of the chronics to conversing with McMurphy and even going on a fishing trip with the other patients. As the novel develops the Chief grows back to his original size, commits an empathy killing on McMurphy to save him from the life of a chronic and escapes from the grasp of the combine. However, the reader is left in a state of uncertainty at the end of the novel as they are unsure whether the story is being told by the Chief as a free man out with the hospital or if the combine have taken him back into their tight grasp and he is telling the story from recollection to another inmate. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Ken Kesey section.

Importance of Roman Games Essay Example for Free

Importance of Roman Games Essay The Roman games featured as an important and significant part of roman society, this being a way in which the Gladiatorial games were held in honour of the Gods and was a way in which they celebrated, it established a social hierarchy in Roman society. Roman games played a significant part in roman life; this can be seen through the study of a number of paintings and drawings, sculptures, mosaics and other artefacts. The games played numerous roles such as too appease the people, to demonstrate the wealth and power of the empire, to uphold social control and to act as a communication source between the emperor and the people. The Colosseum was the centre point of the Roman games and was the biggest arena, its construction started in 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian and the construction finished in 80 AD under Titus. The Colosseum is the best archaeological source regarding the Roman games and is considered to be one of the greatest works of Roman architecture. The arena could seat up to 50,000 spectators and was the centre point of the Gladiatorial games. The games provided the emperor with a way in which he could communicate with the society of Rome, The Colosseum and Circus Maximus were the only two places that a large number of Plebeians could assemble collectively legally. The whole of the spectators would be able to communicate with the emperor, this being to display their attitudes and complaints against the emperor, members of the imperial family and other prominent people. There crowds feedback would be boos or cheers to display positive or negative feeling towards authority. The emperor provided the arena events to entertain and a way in which The roman games was a way in which society could be entertained and the emperor used it to up held common values such as loyalty, servitude and honour. The games were used to demonstrate the power of the emperor and it made him much more popular and in return he received gratitude from society In such a cultural climate it is not surprising that gladiatorial games were immensely popular and a characteristic symbol of Roman culture for almost seven centuries. It may be no accident that the most dramatic increase in the popularity of gladiatorial games occurred during the first two centuries AD, when the Augustan peace throughout the empire provided little opportunity for citizens to participate in real warfare. The Roman games were the Emperors gift to society a way in which he could show he’s generosity to the people of Rome. The way in which to pay for these games were by apprehending wealth from possessing land and the overthrow of other people, this is why the games were free and it balanced the massive wealth of the Roman emperors. The Roman emperors also used the games as a way that they could be remembered for their generosity.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Reflective Practice In Pastoral Ministry Education Essay

Reflective Practice In Pastoral Ministry Education Essay The focus of this paper is reflective practice, which is the ability of individuals to learn from critically analysing events and experiences that they encounter in their daily lives besides the values and theories that support those activities. This is employed in various professionals such as in teaching, nursing, environmentalists among other professionals as a supplement for formal professional learning. In this study, reflective practice will be examined from a pastoral point of view. The term reflective practice will be examined with reference to its definition, the various types of reflective practice that exist and the models of reflective practice that are in use today. Additionally, reflective practice will be analysed from a pastoral point of view whereby the various ways in which it can be used in Christian ministry will be explored as well as the ways in which it has enabled the writer of this paper to develop or change their public relations as far as the ministry is concerned. Finally, the role of reflective practice in the learning experience of the writer will be examined. 2.Reflective practice 1)Definition Reflective practice is one of the core characteristics in professions such as education, health, environmental management and theology among others and usually refers to the ability of an individual to reflect on actions or acts in a way that facilitates further learning for the individual. This usually involves paying special attention to the activities of everyday life with special reference to the values and theirs that are the basis for these actions. Reflective learning encourages practice-based professional learning whereby individuals are able to learn from their experiences as opposed to formal and structured teaching. The term reflective practice is composed of two words; reflection and practice whereby the term reflection means to critically and accurately evaluate an item, an individual or a situation while experiencing them or after one has encountered them. Practice on the other hand refers to learning or mastery through repetition. Reflective practice has been defined by Moon as a set of abilities and skills, to indicate the taking of a critical stance, an orientation to problem solving or state of mind whereas Cowan has defined reflective thinking as the situation when they analyse or evaluate one or more personal experiences and attempt to generalise that from thinking. Biggs on the other hand defined reflective thinking as a reflection in a mirror is an exact replica of what is in front of it. Reflection in professional practice, however, gives back not what it is, but what might be an improvement of the original . In conclusion therefore, the process of reflective learning may be thought of as a process through which individuals critically evaluate their actions, thoughts and experiences and through this critical appraisal, are able to experience autonomous learning. The connection between knowledge and practice is further facilitated by the availability of an experienced professional within the discipline, in this case theology and pastoral ministry. In laymans terms, the practices and strategies for reflective practice includes questioning the manner in which one carries out various activities and comparing it to the manner in which others carry out the same activities; the search for alternatives in the course of accomplishing the same activities; comparing and contrasting; keeping an open mind; looking for the framework, theoretical basis and underlying rationale for those activities; viewing from various perspectives by asking for the viewpoints of others; consideration of the consequence s; hypothesising, testing, seeking, identifying and resolving problems . 2)Advantages of practice reflective Reflective practice in pastoral ministry is associated with a higher understanding for the minister of his or her own style in the course of ministry besides validation of his or her own ideas, beneficial challenges to traditional approaches, recognition of the role of ministry in society and the respect for diversity in the course of applying theories in practice . 3.Types Of Reflective Practice 1)Content Reflection This refers to the recounting of something that happened by the practitioner who in this case is the minister . This may be the outright description of a situation or of a problem such as Mr. Stan did not tell me anything that may have been troubling him in spite of the fact that I reassured him that I was ready to listen and despite his revelation that his family was unreceptive to him 2)Process Reflection This is where a practitioner the process that was involved in the happening of an event such as as I narrated in the encounter with Mr. Stan what my purpose was, then I began to carry out an intense physical assessment. I asked again about any concerns once in the middle of taking temperature, and did not mention it again. Mr. Stan failed to make eye contact when he said everything was ok. 3)Premise Reflection Premise reflection is where a problem, issue or situation is evaluated with the view of understanding why it happened or occurred. For example I wonder why he failed to respond to my questions. How come I didnt notice and respond to his body language then? Why did I not feel comfortable digging a little more? Did I ask about her problems too early in the interview and too often again when in the middle of the task? Was I comfortable? What should I do differently in a future situation? Do I feel comfortable acting differently in the future? What would assist me in the future? 4)Action Reflection This is also known as reflection on action and is used to refer to the reflection of actions, activities and events that happened in the past and may involve documentation of those past events and experiences and may be referred to as Schons model of reflection. 5)Critical Reflection Critical reflection is the process of analysing, reconsidering, and questioning experiences within a broad context of issues and can be broken down into various dimensions for the purposes of addressing various activities besides various levels of reflection. The first, second and third dimensions constitute the ordinary process of reflection whereas the fourth dimension constitutes the core of critical reflection. The first dimension involves critical observation for the purposes of understanding the issues in a deep and accurate way through the use of frameworks such as past experiences. The second dimension involves an exhaustive description of what has been observed whereas the third dimension involves the making of the meaning of what has been described. Finally, the fourth dimension refers to the addition of breadth and depth to the issue through asking questions about and relating meanings to a variety of professional and personal issues. 6)Reflection In Action Reflection in action refers to the reflection of an individual on action while in the course of carrying out the action. This is manifested in constant thinking throughout the duration of the action and is referred to as knowing in action, thinking on your feet and keeping your wits about you besides learning by doing as described by Schon. 4.Models Of Reflective Practice The purpose of these models is to enable professionals to draw lessons out of experiences in the course of enabling professionals to develop independence and to create a continuous, life long, learning experience. 1)Argyris and Schon 1978 In 1978, Argyris and Schon proposed the single loop and the double loop models of reflective practice on the basis of the identification and correction of an error, fault or mistake. Single loop learning is where the individual continues to rely on the old procedures in spite of the identification and resolution of a problem whereas double loop learning is where upon the identification and resolution of a problem, new procedures are adopted and in case the same problem appears again, a new solution is found. Later, Schon brought up the idea of reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action whereby the former may be defined as thinking on their feet and the latter may be described as felt knowing. The idea behind these two concepts is that in the course of any practice, a professional normally experiences feeling, emotions and thoughts that are derived from a similar past experience and which enables them to face the situation at hand directly. 2)Kolb 1984 This model was heavily influenced by the works of Dewey and Piaget in the 1970s and besides focussing on experimental learning, is centred on the change of information into knowledge. This occurs when an event has already come to pass and involves the reflection of the individual on the experience in order to gain understanding and insight of the concepts, which are then transferred into a new situation. Thus, knowledge obtained from a specific situation is constantly and regularly utilised and builds on an individuals experience and knowledge . 3)Gibbs 1988 This is an improvement of Kolbs experimental learning cycle whereby structured debriefing is used as a way of enabling reflection. The stages of a full structured debriefing in order are: the initial experience, the description of the experience, the description of the feelings that an individual encountered, the valuation of the experience, an analysis of the experience, the general conclusions that an individual makes from the experience and analysis, the specific conclusion and the personal action plans in case a similar situation is encountered in future. These steps are also known as the Gibbs model of reflection or the Gibbs reflective cycle and are summarised as: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, and conclusion and action plan. 4)Johns 1995 This is a structured model of reflection that consists of a guide for individuals to gain higher understanding and is designed to include the participation of a colleague or a mentor, who facilitates faster transformation of the experience to learnt knowledge. This model is based on the earlier works of Carper and puts emphasis on the ability of a professional to access, understand and put into practice information gathered empirically through looking in on ones thoughts and emotions and looking out at the events that took place. This model includes Carpers four patterns of knowing which are: empirical, personal, ethical and aesthetic and reflexive. 5)Rolfe 2001 The basis of this model is Bortons developmental model of 1970 and involves a simplistic cycle consisting of three questions that a professional asks. These are: what, so what and what next. This enables an individual to describe a situation accurately, which further enables scrutiny of the situation and construction of knowledge that was learnt through the experience. After this, the various ways and methods in which one may improve as well as the results of ones response to the situation are evaluated . 6)Bauds model Bauds model places emphasis on the feelings and emotions of an individual besides being cyclical. This model recommends a critical analysis of an experience or an event with reference to the emotions or feelings that were experienced in the course of the event or after the event and application of the lessons that were learnt from this experience. 7)Greenaway 3-stage Model This model is based on three activities that are performed in cyclical progression. These are plan, followed by do, which is followed by review and so on. It is suggested that this model is closely related to the Gibbs model of reflective practice. 5.Use Of Reflective Practice In Christian Ministry The role of reflective practice in Christian ministry and Pastoral work cannot be overemphasised. This is especially so taking into consideration that ministry involves the delivery of the word of a perfect God, through an imperfect individual to other imperfect individuals with the aim of bringing them close and closer and closer to the fold. Additionally, Christian ministry is much more than preaching and one of its other components is to set a good example to the congregation and thus the need for reflective practice among the Christian ministers. 1)Reflective Practice in Church Ministry Leadership To begin with, reflective practice is important for a pastoral minister to accomplish his or her leadership role within a ministry. The leadership of any ministry is important in the achievement of the goals and objectives of that particular community in addition to influencing their congregations to view and value these in the same way. The role of leadership demands certain behaviours from the Christian minister and hence the minister needs to constantly reflect on his or her behaviour and adopt behaviour and actions that will serve as an example to the community. This would enable the attainment of goals and objectives besides steering the congregation to greater heights . 2) Reflective Practice in Prayer and Instruction Reflective practice may be used by the ministers to encourage congregation to reflect on their thoughts, experiences and events with reference to Biblical teachings as well as prayer as a way of encouraging them to live lives that are more godly. This may also be used by the ministers themselves as well in striving to live lives that are more godly. 3)Reflective Practice in Improving the Running of the Churchs Affairs. In the course of management of the affairs of the church, not everything that the minister comes across will have been taught in class and it is prudent for him or her to come up with ways of handling such situations. Additionally, the minister may find that some of the management that he or she may have learnt in the classroom are not so practical in some situations and it is in such times when reflective practice should be used to invent more olutions to management problems. 6.Role Of Reflective Practice In The Course Of Learning 1) Reflective Practice in Time Management In the course of learning, reflective practice has come in handy especially in the course of time management. By looking at past events and experiences, I have learnt how to plan ahead for activities, how to prioritise activities and the importance of allocating time both for working and for relaxation purposes. Unlike in the past, I am now able to meet my obligations and the stress that comes with undone work has dramatically reduced in my life. Consequently, in spite of fulfilling my responsibilities, I am able to engage in activities that I like. 2 )Reflective Learning in Accommodating Others Accommodation of others has been a challenge all along in my life and more so in the course of Christian ministry studies as a result of the diverse viewpoints that are held by my fellow students. However, by reflecting past instances of my intolerance towards the opinion of others, I was persuaded to try and accommodate the feelings of others. This turned out to be worthwhile as I learnt that it is important to accept the views and opinions of others no matter how offensive they are to me, since I realised that people like being listened to and understood even if not necessarily agreed with. This, I have learnt is perfect for harmonious living and coexistence even with my classmates. 3)Reflective Practice and Challenges at Work and in personal life Reflective practice has been instrumental in assisting me to deal with challenges at work and at home. In the past, difficulties and work would spill over when I got home and difficulties I experienced at home would affect my work. As a result of reflecting on these situations, I learnt that there is a time and place for everything and that what happens at home should not affect what happens at work and what happens at work should not impact my life away from work. This has enabled me to find fulfilment at home and at work in spite of whatever difficulties I may be experiencing. This has made me more effective in my work and responsibilities. 7.Conclusion This paper has been centred on reflective practice within the context of pastoral ministry. To begin with, the definition of the term reflective practice has been defined in laymans terms but the definitions of various experts such as Moon, Cowan and Biggs have also been included. The advantages of the practice of reflective practice especially among pastoral ministers have also been mentioned besides the types of reflective practice. The types of reflective practice that have been discussed in this study are: content reflection, process reflection, premise reflection, action reflection, critical reflection and reflection on action. This paper also contains brief discussions on the various models of reflective practice that have been proposed by experts over the years which are: Argyris and Schon model of 1978, Kolb model of 1984, Gibbs model of 1988, Johns model of 1995, and Rolfes model of 2001. Additionally, the importance of reflective practice in Christian ministry has been expl ored and in this case, its role in church leadership, prayer and instruction and in the running of the affairs of the church has all been discussed. The impact of reflective practice in my personal life has also been outlined with reference to its effects on the challenges that I encounter in my personal and professional life, in accommodating others, and in time management.